Fall 2017 Bucket List

Hello lovelies! I am so excited to be back after taking the summer off. Today is the first day of fall! I couldn’t be more excited that my favorite time of year is here. I do have to say that the weather as yet to catch up with the fact that it is time for leaves changing, crisper air, pumpkin spice lattes, bonfires, and hoodies. It is still hitting 90 degrees here in the Chicagoland area. So in honor of the first day of fall, I’m coming back with my fall bucket list. I had gotten this idea to come up with a “bucket list” from Pinterest, and pulled a bunch of ideas from different posts. I was looking for ideas for something nothing related to the fall time, but thought this would be a fun thing to do and share with all of you. Let’s jump in and see what I will be up to in the coming weeks.

make apple cider

visit a corn maze

go apple picking

roast marshmallows/s’mores

bake rice crispie treats

have a bonfire

make a “thankful for” list

have a popcorn movie day

eat corn on the cob

visit a farm

make granola/trail mix

make pumpkin bread

paint/carve pumpkins

go on a hayride

have a picnic in the park

rake leaves for a neighbor

make candy apples

learn the history of Thanksgiving

have a fall “photo shoot”

make a breakfast casserole

eat candy corn


bake a pie

go on a bike ride

create a fall scrapbook

watch the sunset

make a caramel smoothie

make pumpkin dip

watch a fall movie

enjoy a foggy morning walk

burn some new candles

go thrift shopping

watch a new show

make a chili

try a new flavored coffee

go window shopping

put together a large puzzle

roast pumpkin seeds

make a new Thanksgiving dish

decorate for fall

That is everything on my list! I will be completing most of these with my boyfriend, family or by myself. If you want to keep up with what I’ll be up to in the coming weeks follow me on Instagram(beautylifeloves31) or Twitter(@jamers731). I’ll be posting updates on those two platforms, and maybe an update on here maybe halfway to Thanksgiving. What are you looking forward to this fall? Is there anything else I should try to do this season? Let me know! Share your ideas in the comments or come say hi on Instagram or Twitter. I’m looking forward to hearing for you!

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